
Men Share 8 Habits That Make Their Lives Easier, and Women May Want to Take a Peek

2. Looking for beauty in the mirror.

Unfortunately, some women are too critical when looking in the mirror. On the other hand, men hardly ever see flaws in their appearance. While one might assume from these findings that men are more vain than women, the results reveal otherwise. Women look at themselves in the mirror to find out if there are any imperfections like acne, gray hair, wrinkles, or flawed makeup — while men look at themselves in admiration and to make sure they have a good personal appearance.

Men gave the following advice about what to do while looking in the mirror:

  • “There are a few [men] that do this to try to build their self-esteem.”
  • “At the end of the week, you can look at yourself in the mirror and admire the progress, tell yourself how good you’re looking, stroke your ego a bit.”
  • “Go to the mirror and just look at yourself until you can say: I’m fine with it.”

What women can learn from men: Look into the mirror to see what’s great about yourself. This may help you be less critical about your appearance.

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